Jaihoon shares his comments and concerns about the historic visit of Narendra Modi to UAE in a telephonic interview with DarshanaTV
UAE : Like her, no mother other
The poet expresses deep gratitude and affection for the UAE, praising its generosity, kindness, and the opportunities for its peoples.
Expats in UAE: Moving Beyond Monetary Interaction to Social Integration
That expatriates have transplanted a major portion of their lifespan to explore and enjoy better economics in this country is understandable. It is also true that this country has offered expats what their country of origin has not.
The Agony of Al Quds : The Palestine cause
Jan 19 2001.
The Palestinian Consul General handing over the invitation to Syed Muhammad Ali Shihab, to visit Al Quds in Palestine.
At the function . . .
Samadani speaking while Syed Shihab and the Palestinian Consul general looks on.
Jaihoon : The art of visionary computing.