Why don’t the apostles, devout preachers who carved a niche in Malabar for ‘Shaykh Marx’ and ‘Hazrat Lenin’, become full time Party members?
Beyond the Disquieting Religious Sermons
Community leaders need to regulate the decibels of religious lectures in multi-faith neighborhoods in Kerala.
Let what you speak be the Truth: C Hamza
Mujeeb Jaihoon unearths some unconventional treasures in the second meet with the Mystic of Melattur
The Trade Secret behind Muslim Kerala’s Sectarian Scholarship
Najeeb Moulavi laments the organizational partisanship casting an infinite shadow in the making of able jurists in Muslim Kerala
Sayyid Abdurrahman Bafaqih: The Lantern that Challenged the Storm
Dr MK Muneer (Kerala’s Minister for Social Welfare) shares his memoir on the influence of the legendary leader of Muslim Kerala upon his father CH Mohammed Koya