A Lover may not be a saint with pious-paint. Yet he pleads with the Lord to let untie their love-lunacy for His Beloved— writes Jaihoon
Shy Not to Ask the Giving King
On a Night when the benefactor is ready to shower boundless mercy, how can we stay silent and refrain from seeking it?— wonders Jaihoon
Honoring the plea from sincere critics to occasionally forsake the logical cave and return to the spiritual delight.
Miraj: The Glory is in the Descend, not Ascend
The greatest miracle of the Miraj episode is that the Beloved chose to return to humanity, even after meeting with the Almighty— argues Mujeeb Jaihoon
Rest Your Canoe in My Tear-River
Only the chosen few can behold that Divine Cup of Mustafa’s love, let alone consume the Drink. Nevertheless, Jaihoon is eager to try.